what does PoP do?
We are an interdisciplinary research, ideation, and design collective, grounded in social and environmental equity. We see space as inherently communal, requiring partnerships that advocate to make the invisible seen, the unheard discernable, and the forgotten remembered. Prioritizing community well-being, our approach is aspirational yet grounded in attainable solutions.
what makes PoP unique?
Working remotely affords us the opportunity to bring a number of distinct perspectives to each design problem. Having established long-standing relationships before collaborating virtually, we communicate through digital workflows seamlessly.

We currently operate out of the following cities:
Austin, TX | Brooklyn, NY | Charleston, SC | Greenville, SC | Washington, D.C.
how does PoP approach design?
Recognizing how the spaces we inhabit profoundly shape our lives, our design and research processes prioritize sustainable, equitable, and impactful methods for considering communities. From the construction of our core team to the development of our partner relationships, we see projects as opportunities to increase the collective knowledge of place.
how does PoP go beyond design?
Considering the contexts of the social sciences in parallel with the built environment, we uncover new opportunities for design theory to influence design intervention. We extend the traditional architectural boundaries to develop strategies for inclusive placemaking through data visualization, socio-political analysis, historical mapping, and storytelling.